The Automark is a ballot marking device that allows voters who are visually impaired or have dexterity problems to vote their paper ballot independently. This system has a touch screen that can be used to make ballot choices. It also has a built-in keypad and headphones for voters who need the audio ballot functionality. After the voter finishes making their choices, the Automark marks the ballot and it is ejected and then deposited into the ballot box or optical scan equipment. The Automark should be placed on an ADA-compliant table or stand so that a voter in a wheelchair can use a forward or side approach to access the machine.
Accessible Features:
• Touch screen voting
• Audio ballot navigation using tactile keypad
• Adjustable font size
• High contrast font option
Counties Where Used:
Ashland, Columbia, La Crosse, Lafayette, Lincoln, Manitowoc, Portage, Wood.

Voting Demonstration Video:
Click here to view the video and learn more about voting on the AutoMARK ballot marking device, including information on how to use the accessible features.
Voting Demonstration - AutoMARK® from Wis. Govt. Accountability Board on Vimeo.