The ExpressVote is a universal voting system designed for use by all voters. Voters can use the touchscreen to make their ballot choices. Headphones and a tactile keypad are available for voters who require an audio ballot. When a voter has finished their ballot, the machine will print their marked ballot card which can then be placed in the tabulator or ballot box. The ExpressVote should be placed on an ADA-compliant table or stand so that a voter in a wheelchair can use a forward or side approach to access the machine.
Accessible Features
- Touchscreen voting
- Audio ballot option with keypad
- Universal voting system
Counties Where Used:
Adams, Barron, Bayfield, Brown, Calumet, Clark, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Douglas, Eau Claire, Iowa, Jefferson, Kenosha, Manitowoc, Marathon, Menominee, Milwaukee, Outagamie, Pierce, Rock, Sauk, St. Croix, Taylor, Waukesha
Voting Demonstration Video
(2015-2020) Watch the video below and learn more about voting on the ExpressVote universal voting system, including information on how to use the accessible features.
Voting Demonstration - ExpressVote® from Wis. Elections Commission on Vimeo.
Or on Youtube: Voting Demonstration - ExpressVote®