2022-2025 Election Security.gov Email Domain Subgrant Renewal Announcement

  1. SUMMARY. On May 14, 2024, the Wisconsin Elections Commission approved the renewal of the Election Security .gov Email Domain Subgrant for municipalities, which awards up to $600 per jurisdiction for transition to a wi.gov or .gov email domain. Under the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Election Security Grant from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) was awarded funds to “improve the administration of elections for Federal office, including to enhance election technology and make election security improvements to the systems, equipment and processes used in federal elections.”
    2. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. Under the 2022-2025 Election Security .gov Email Domain Subgrant Wisconsin municipalities may request grant funds to reimburse eligible expenses. Upon receipt of a properly completed Subgrant Reimbursement Request and Certification form, the WEC will award funds up to $600 per jurisdiction. Requests will be reviewed and disbursed until the total approved subgrant amount of $300,000 is expended and the grant term is closed. Note: The process to obtain a wi.gov domain has changed. See updated information at elections.wi.gov/elections/election-security-integrity/election-security-wigov-and-gov-domains.
    3. SUBGRANT PROJECT PERIOD. August 24, 2021 through December 1, 2025. Costs must be incurred during the project period of August 24, 2021 – December 1, 2025.
    4. AUTHORIZED USES. Eligible expenses include costs associated with a transition to a @wi.gov or @.gov email account; IT consulting fees associated with the transition to a wi.gov or .gov email domain; monthly costs for email hosting if associated with a wi.gov or .gov domain; or costs associated with maintaining the jurisdiction’s previous domain during the transition. The funds are not intended to cover normal election related expenses. See the 2022-2025 HAVA Election Security .gov Email Domain Subgrant Reimbursement Request and Certification form for additional information.
    5. HOW DO JURISDICTIONS APPLY? Complete and return the 2022-2025 HAVA Election Security .gov Email Domain Subgrant Reimbursement Request and Certification form to @email no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 1, 2025. All subgrant program information will be posted to the WEC website on the Election Security .gov Domain page here. Jurisdictions that previously received this subgrant may not apply again.
    6. QUESTIONS? Email @email or call the Help Desk at (608) 261-2028.