2022 Election Security Subgrant Program for Municipalities

This is older content that may possibly be out of date at this time.

1.    SUMMARY.  On July 22, 2022, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) approved the renewal of the 2019/2020 Election Security Subgrant for Municipalities program.  

2.    BACKGROUND. The WEC previously disbursed over $860,000 to 889 jurisdictions via the 2019 and 2020 Election Security Subgrant programs. These funds were awarded to municipalities and counties and used for fundamental cyber-security improvements including upgraded hardware and software, managed IT support and security training. Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022, the WEC was awarded additional funds to “improve the administration of elections for Federal office, including to enhance election technology and make election security improvements.” The WEC will disburse up to $1 million of these funds through the approved 2022 Election Security Subgrant Program for Municipalities. Each jurisdiction may receive up to $1,200 under this subgrant, until allocated funds are depleted.

3.    AUTHORIZED USES.  Subject to grant conditions, jurisdictions must use the funds for one or more of the following expenses:
a.    Compliant hardware and software
b.    Professional IT support
c.    Security training (cyber or physical)
d.    Security assessments (cyber or physical)
e.    Physical security improvements for election equipment
Jurisdictions are eligible for the subgrant even if they previously received funds from the 2019/2020 Election Security Subgrant program.
4.    HOW DO JURISDICTIONS APPLY?  An authorized representative of each jurisdiction must complete and return a 2022 Election Security Subgrant Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) form to the WEC at @email by December 31, 2022.   All subgrant information including the MOU and Appendices will be available on the WEC website here. This subgrant is only available to municipalities. Counties are not eligible to apply. A webinar to review grant guidelines, compliance, applications, and common questions will be announced and held later in September, 2022.

5.    QUESTIONS?  Call the WEC Help Desk at 608-261-2028 or e-mail @email.